Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crafty Thrift Finds

Yesterday I found a new town to thrift in.  Three glorious, bigger than I'm used to stores.  Just twenty short miles to a fresh wonderland of vintage stuff.  My heart almost stopped in each of the three stores I visited when faced with something I'd never seen before, and just HAD to have.  Usually I don't find many craft supplies, but yesterday I got lucky.  They were mostly vintage, some new, but all made me happy.  Here are just a few of the finds that warmed my heart.

Four crepe rolls in spring colors, new old stock box of corsage pins, two boxes of NOS chenille stems, two rolls of  ribbon, and my favorite:

Two vintage plastic flower candle rings.  I don't know what it is about these, but I adore the colors, the textures, the possibilities... and the price was completely painless- both for a quarter.

Close up of one of the ribbon rolls, also new old stock.  The pattern name on the spool is "Chickadee".   Love it.


  1. What fun finds! I soo remember making things out of those old plastic flowers... your ribbon is adorable with the little Chickadees! xoxo Julie Marie

  2. OH!OH!OH! Isn't that the BEST feeling to find a new source?? Congrats!

  3. Well you know I love to thrift and to find a new store to wander in and then find a wonderful item! Bliss!! Love your crafty finds can't wait to see what you do with them.

  4. I need to find some new thrift stores! I keep seeing the same thing over and over. You really scored! I love the plastic flowers the most!

  5. Hi,

    Nice things you found at the thrift shop. I love a new hunting place. I used to work in Woolworths dept store, way back when. I was in charge of the linen dept, and the plastic flowers. An abudance of them! Always falling on the floor after people picked through them.
    My hands were always so dirty from fixing them. I bet a lot of people would love to get their hands on them now.



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